Why is renting your furnished property more beneficial than unfurnished?
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Many owners have this same doubt and there are arguments against or in favor of renting a furnished or unfurnished property. However, if you are looking for greater profitability and attractiveness for your property, renting it out furnished will be the best option. Let's explain why.
Higher profitability
A furnished property can be rented in the city of Sao Paulo for an average value of 50% higher than an unfurnished property.
Let's say your property has a rent of BRL 3,000 and you decide to invest BRL 5,000 in the purchase of items to make it complete. The new rent to be charged for your furnished property will be, on average, four hundred and five hundred Reais and the return on investment in furniture will occur in just over 3 months of rental. Advantageous, no?
Greater attractiveness
If your property is in a region within easy reach of the city's main corporate areas and is furnished, a significant portion of the target audience will be professionals who will seek convenience and ease of moving.
They are expatriates or Brazilians who will be for a predetermined period in the city, whether for study or work. In this way they will seek primarily for properties with this profile, since they do not have their fixed dwelling here and the cost of relocation would not be viable.
This is why your property will attract the attention of potential tenants differently, as most of the properties available on the market are not furnished.
Here at Homeurbano we only rent furnished properties, as our proposal is to offer all the convenience to the tenant and the best profitability for the owner.